Safety Tips for Bicycle Riding in Palm Beach County, Florida

When planning a bicycle ride in Palm Beach County, Florida, it is important to take safety precautions such as wearing brightly colored clothes and suitable shoes, being familiar with local traffic laws and using hand signals when turning left or right.

Safety Tips for Bicycle Riding in Palm Beach County, Florida

When planning a bicycle ride in Palm Beach County, Florida, it is essential to take safety precautions to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Wearing brightly colored clothes and suitable shoes is a must, as is being familiar with local traffic laws and using hand signals when turning left or right. It is also important to be alert and avoid distractions such as using a mobile phone or listening to music. Bicyclists should always drive on the right side of the road, unless they are passing a vehicle, turning left, or avoiding danger.

When turning at intersections, cyclists should turn as close to the sidewalk on the right as possible. Meanwhile, cyclists turning left are allowed to fully use the left lane. Cyclists must also indicate their next move with hand signals. In addition to following traffic regulations, cyclists must also adhere to certain equipment requirements.

For example, anyone under 16 must wear a helmet when riding a bicycle. At night, cyclists must have a white light visible from 500 feet on the front of their bike. When driving on sidewalks or at pedestrian crossings, cyclists must yield to pedestrians and make an audible signal before passing. It is also important to note that sidewalks were not built for cyclists who move at a faster pace and can be fraught with certain hazards.

Therefore, it is best to avoid biking on sidewalks if possible. If you are involved in a bicycle accident in Fort Lauderdale, it is important to contact an experienced bicycle accident attorney who can help you understand your rights and responsibilities under Florida law and determine if you have a viable claim for damages. The attorneys at The Ansara Law Firm are very familiar with Florida bicycle laws and can help you understand driver liability and the duty of care.

Megan Cothron
Megan Cothron

Evil web ninja. Hipster-friendly beer scholar. General internet fan. Freelance pop culture junkie. Evil beer buff. General web scholar.

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